Schwartz Lab
Dr. Schwartz's publications can be found under her maiden name, Elizabeth M. Hiltbold as well as Elizabeth Hiltbold Schwartz
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Induced immune reaction in the acorn worm, Saccoglossus kowalevskii, informs the evolution of antiviral immunity. Tassia MG, Hallowell HA, Waits DS, Range RC, Lowe CJ, Graze RM, Schwartz EH, Halanych KM. Mol Biol Evol. 2023 Apr 28:msad097. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msad097. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37116212.
In vivo Microbiome Profiling of the Luminal and Mucosal Surface of the Duodenum Using a Cannulated Yearling Bovine Model. Ricardo M Stockler, Keah V. Higgins, Haley Hallowell, Erin S. Groover, Elizabeth M. Hiltbold, Jenna E. Bayne, Paul H. Walz, Benjamin W. Newcomer. Under review.
Characterization and comparison of the rumen luminal and epithelial microbiome profiles using metagenomic sequencing technique. Ricardo M. Stockler, Haley Hallowell, Keah V. Higgins, Erin S. Groover, Elizabeth M. Hiltbold, Benjamin Newcomer and Paul H. Walz. Front. Vet. Sci., 24 February 2022.
Longitudinal Analysis of the Intestinal Microbiota in the Obese Mangalica Pig Reveals Alterations in Bacteria and Bacteriophage Populations Associated With Changes in Body Composition and Diet. Haley A. Hallowell, Keah V. Higgins, Morgan Roberts, Robert M. Johnson, Jenna Bayne, Herris Stevens Maxwell, Terry Brandebourg and Elizabeth Hiltbold Schwartz. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021 Oct 19;11:698657. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.698657. eCollection 2021.
Integrative Longitudinal Analysis of Metabolic Phenotype and Microbiota Changes During the Development of Obesity. Keah V. Higgins, Lauren N Woodie, Haley Hallowell, Michael W Greene and Elizabeth Hiltbold Schwartz. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. August 2021, Volume 11, Article 671926.
The systemic and cellular metabolic phenotype of infection and immune response to Listeria monocytogenes. Robert M. Johnson, Adesola C. Olatunde, Lauren N. Woodie, Michael W. Greene, Elizabeth Hiltbold Schwartz; Frontiers in Immunology, 2021 Feb 8;11:614697.
In vivo Microbiome Profiling of the Luminal and Mucosal Surface of the Duodenum Using a Cannulated Yearling Bovine Model. Stockler RM, Higgins KV, Hallowell H, Groover ES, Hiltbold EM, Newcomer BW, Walz PH. Front Vet Sci. 2020 Nov 9;7:601874. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.601874. PMID: 33240966; PMCID: PMC7680733.
The Metabolic Phenotype Associated with Mounting an Immune Response to a Systemic Infection of Listeria Monocytogenes. R Johnson g, A Olatunde g, L Woodie, M Greene, E Schwartz, Current developments in nutrition 3 (Supplement_1), nzz049. FS12-07-19; June, 2019.
Development of endocytosis, degradative activity, and antigen processing capacity during GM-CSF driven differentiation of murine bone marrow, 2018, AC Olatunde g, LP Abell u, AE Landuyt u, EH Schwartz PloS one 13 (5), e0196591.
Generation of large numbers of myeloid progenitors and dendritic cell precursors from murine bone marrow using a novel cell sorting strategy; Peter B Rogers g and Elizabeth Hiltbold Schwartz; 2018, Journal of Visualized Experiments e57365.
Lag of Immunity Across Seasonal Acclimation States in Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus Polyphemus). Goessling JM, Koler SA, Overman BD, Hiltbold EM, Guyer C, Mendonça MT. J Exp Zool A Ecol Integr Physiol. 2017 Jun;327(5):235-242. doi: 10.1002/jez.2069.
Analysis of the developmental stages, kinetics, and phenotypes exhibited by myeloid cells driven by GM-CSF in vitro; Rogers, PB g, Driessnack, MG, and Hiltbold Schwartz, E; PLoS One. 2017 Jul 27;12(7):e0181985. Impact Factor 3.24, EHS 60%, Auburn Effort 100%, Auburn P/T Effort 100%.
Broady JW 2nd, Han D, Yuan J, Liao C, Bratcher CL, Liles MR, Schwartz EH, Wang L. Survival and Metabolic Activity of Listeria monocytogenes on Ready-to-Eat Roast Beef Stored at 4 °C. J Food Sci. 2016 Jul;81(7):M1766-72.
Olex, Amy L, Turkett, William, Brzoza-Lewis, K.B. g, Fetrow, Jacquelyn S., and Hiltbold, Elizabeth M. Impact of the Type I Interferon Receptor on the Global Gene Expression Program During the Course of Dendritic Cell Maturation Induced by Polyinosinic Polycytidylic Acid. J Int Cyt Res 2016 Jun; 36(6):382-400. Impact Factor 2.00, EHS 60%, Auburn Effort 80%, Auburn P/T Effort 100%.
Westcott MM, Ahmed M, Smedberg JR, Rajani KR, Hiltbold EM, Lyles DS. Preservation of Dendritic Cell Function during Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection Reflects both Intrinsic and Acquired Mechanisms of Resistance to Suppression of Host Gene Expression by Viral M Protein. Journal of Virology. 2013 Nov; 87(21):11730-40.